Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Bird Eats Plastic

An admirable lady showed me an article on a bird who was found filled with plastic that he ate throughout his life. All sorts of small objects that could fit through his small beak while he was trying to pull worms up from the ground.

It really is sad to see things like this. Those small objects can so easily be lost, falling out of our bags and pockets. They could get into anyone's stomach, really. Children never grow up without trying a good chunk of dirt, and recently someone said they found some sort of mishapped piece of plastic in a chicken they ate for dinner.

Preventing this sort of thing seems really outrageous. How can we keep track of all of the pits of plastic in our lives? I guess I must just say to be careful. Don't litter. Digestive tracts are never a good place for plastic to end up, and stray pieces may very well end up there.

1 comment:

LK Sisters said...

Hi GG,

Have you ever watched E Vets on Animal Planet? There are some great episodes and we watched one about animals like dogs and a lizard with non-food items in their GI tract.

Anyways, We just want to let you know that you've been memed. :) See our blog